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March 2020


March 1   おしゃれイズム

TV Program:  おしゃれイズム
Date/Time:  March 8, 2020 at 22:00
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 2, 2020):
Nice to see Mitchy's sweet smile... ... .
aha!  Mitchy will talk about his private life... that will be interesting.  I look forward to watching this program.




March 1   Mitchy as special guest in 木村拓哉 'Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 1, 2020  (11:30-11:55am)
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット  (https://www.tfm.co.jp/flow/)

Remarks (March 1, 2020):
Would be even better if it is TV broadcast instead of radio broadcast (ie not just the voice) .






March 5   半沢直樹 II

TV Program:     半沢直樹 II
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     April 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
News links:


Remarks (March 5, 2020):
半沢直樹 (part 1) had very high popularity.  I look forward to watching the upcoming 半沢直樹 part 2
Mitchy looks smart and handsome in this outfit .







March 6   Mitchy as special guest in '木村拓哉 Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 8th, 15th, 22nd (2020)  at 11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット

Remarks (March 6, 2020):
Have just watched the video highlight.  Yum!  Yum!  My favourite sushi!
Wow!  It would be so good if the program can be recorded as video (instead of just voices in radio broadcast)




March 6   JAL presents FLYING HEART

Program:     JAL presents FLYING HEART
Radio Broadcaster:     FM Yokohama
Date/Time:     March 8, 2020, March 15, 2020  (12:00pm - 12:30pm)


Remarks (March 6, 2020):
Although it's radio broadcast (ie just voice)... very happy to see Mitchy's photo

Remarks (April 29, 2020):
When I listen to this recording again... does put a smile on my face
The significant word 'happy' was mentioned in the program.  Mitchy does bring me happiness .

JAL (Japan Airline), Flying Heart, 'Soul Traveller'/sole traveller... does echoe myself... since 2017, every trip I fly to Japan was just to see Mitchy.
I look forward to seeing you again soon... my darling Mitchy
Best wishes to your upcoming Concert Tour 'Soul Traveller 2020'.






March 8   おしゃれイズム

TV Program:  おしゃれイズム
Date/Time:  March 8, 2020 at 22:00
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 8, 2020):
Very enjoyable program with amusing parts. 
Nice to see Mitchy's hand-writing (song lyrics) .  Can I keep that book (with your hand-writing) as souvenuir ?

The topic 'hug hug' is interesting.
In my view, 'hug' is a type of polite greeting (similar to 'shake hands').  But of course, lovers do 'hug hug' as well, probably hold tighter for longer.
If I see Mitchy in public area, I will hug Mitchy only if Mitchy takes the first move (holding out his arms) .  I am too shy to take the first move.




March 8   Mitchy as special guest in '木村拓哉 Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 8, 2020 at 11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット

Remarks (March 8, 2020):
What a nice surprise!  The program includes a recorded video as 'add-on' (as I wish).    Mitchy.
I like the video very much... my favourite hobby... good food ( yummy 'raw' fish )!  Reminds me of 'Grand Maison Tokyo'.

I wish the next one (March 15th) to have a video as well. 
Even better if the talking part inside the studio is recorded in video (not just voices) .




March 9   Qさま

TV Program:   Qさま
Broadcaster:   テレビ朝日
Date/Time:   March 9, 2020 (20:30)

Remarks (March 9, 2020):
Congratulations Mitchy !  Your team won the 'Quiz Game'. 
Very happy to see Mitchy won the final part of the quiz for the team .

I have taken today as holiday.  I watched the program at home during London time (11:30am - 12:50pm).
Enjoyable to watch Mitchy's show during my day-off .
Back to work as usual tomorrow (JP Morgan Bank in Canary Wharf London).

No change to my plan... will be moving to live permanently in USA (America) soon.




March 14   王様のブランチ

TV Program:     王様のブランチ
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     March 14, 2020  (9:30am)

Remarks (March 14, 2020):
I look forward to watching Mitchy in this upcoming TV series (半沢直樹 part 2) in April 2020




March 14   Mitchy's White Valentine's Day (March 14, 2020)

Remarks (March 14, 2020):
Today is March 14th (White Valentine‘s day). I do remember .
‘Pure Love’... nice and sweet feel indeed... Mitchy (one & only ).  I like your new song 'Be My One' very much.

Very happy that Mitchy described more details about 'White Valentine's Day'.
First time I heard of it was when I watched Mitchy's movie 45歳若返った女.





March 15   Mitchy as special guest in '木村拓哉 Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 15, 2020 at 11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット

Remarks (March 15, 2020):
Enjoyable program with amusing parts.    Nice to see Mitchy in the music studio .

Have an idea!  Mitchy's new album 'Be My One'... Takuya's recent album 'Go with the Flow'...
Would be interesting if both do a song 'remix'. 
Both choose a song from their album, each sing their own song, then vice versa, each sing the other one's chosen song.

aha!  Next one (March 22) will be shopping.
I have a question...  celebrities, so busy... how come will have time to choose so many clothes? 
I mean... not in the program... but daily life.  On one side, so much work to cope with, on the other side, have to ensure different clothes for each occasion!!
I guess maybe for guys, it's slightly easier.  Just shirts and trousers to choose.

Shopping is ok... but not my favourite hobby, I find it quite tiring (eyes tired) when walking round shops to look for clothes that I like.
Even though some sales people know me well (ie know what I like), still very time consuming to try on the clothes, especially when alteration need to be made.





March 17   ウチのガヤがすみません

TV Program:  ウチのガヤがすみません!
Date/Time:  March 17, 2020 
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系 (NTV)

Remarks (March 17, 2020):
aha!  My favourite hobby!  Good food!  Impressive presentation from the chefs.  The one with 'koi' is unusal, very nicely presented.
The part 'seducing Mitchy' is quite amusing. 
Hypnotism (催眠術)... I tried it once before on a cruise ship.  I was an audience and being selected to go on the stage, but the hypnotism did not impact me.
For this program, I enjoyed most is looking at Mitchy's happy face with sweet smile  ....





March 18   バゲット

TV Program:  バゲット
Date/Time:  March 18, 2020 at 10:25am
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 18, 2020):
The little babies in the animal zoos and sea life centers look very cute!
It's enjoyable listening to Mitchy talking about himself... (eg in this program, him and his buddies).




March 18   The TRAD

Radio Program:  The TRAD
Date/Time:  March 18, 2020 at 15:00-16:50
Broadcaster:  Tokyo FM

Remarks (March 18, 2020):
Good to see Mitchy with happy look




March 18   Groove Line

Radio Program:  Groove Line
Date/Time:  March 18, 2020 at 16:30-19:00
Broadcaster:  J-Wave
News link:

Remarks (March 18, 2020):
As it's radio broadcast (just voice), nice to see Mitchy's photo !
Aha!  J-Wave news with interview highlights.  Great!

Remarks (April 23, 2020):
Song QID, I like the lyrics very much... especially the lines '何度も抱きしめたい   エメラルドに辉くドレスで   踊りましょう   Trust my love' 

Interesting question in the intervew... "風呂... 長湯して...全裸で作ってるの?"
I like Mitchy's honest answer... "全裸で作ってますよ! むき出しの俺!"
Quite amusing (I like that)... I thought... who would be wearing clothes when bathing?!  (unless... want to save time to wash clothes seperately!)







March 18   今夜くらべてみました

TV Program:  今夜くらべてみました
Date/Time:  March 18, 2020 at 21:00
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 18, 2020):
Mitchy's outfit does recall 'Funk A La Mode 2017' when I first know Mitchy .
I do remember in the initial chat, I said that I am a Disney fan.




March 20   TV CM

TV Advertisement:  エスビー食品
Date/Time:  March 24th - April 5th  (2020)

Remarks (March 20, 2020):
Good proof of Mitchy's excellent acting skills (from your food taste preference perspective)
Look forward to viewing your new advertisement Support you always, my 'one & only' darling Mitchy .





March 22   Mitchy as special guest in '木村拓哉 Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 22, 2020 at 11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット

Remarks (March 22, 2020):
Nice to see Mitchy has had a successful shopping day

Mitchy, Ron Herman (American brand), how do you find the design?  From your happy look, must have been an enjoyable shopping day .

Mitchy has been special guest in Takuya's program 'Flow' for 4 consecutive Sundays in March 2020.  Today is the last episode of Mitchy in this month's series.
As Mitchy and Takuya are good friends, I do look forward to Mitchy participating in Takuya's program in the future.






March 23   Mitchy as special guest in 木村拓哉 'Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 8th, 15th, 22nd (2020)  11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット  (https://www.tfm.co.jp/flow/)

Remarks (March 23, 2020):
The radio broadcast is interesting and enjoyable.  But I still prefer the 'add-on' video part of the program, can see Mitchy





March 26   おしゃれイズム

TV Program:  おしゃれイズム
Date/Time:  March 29, 2020 at 22:00
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 26, 2020):
Mitchy, nice surprise to know that you will be in this coming Sunday's program .

I just have eye surgery few days ago, the surgery was successful. 
The next check-up appointment will be on Sunday morning (London time).  So, should be home in time to watch your program (2pm London time).
UK clock (time) will change this weekend.  At present, 9 hours difference between Tokyo and London.  This weekend onwards, will be 8 hours difference.




March 26   Mitchy's Concert Tour 2020 'Soul Traveller'

Due to the current convid-19 around the world, Mitchy has announced postponement of the first 3 concerts (April 4th, April 11th, April 18th).
Re-schedule dates will be announced later.

Remarks (March 26, 2020):
Mitchy, although it is a disappointment that your concert has to be postponed.
But, it is nice to know that you care for everyone, not just yourself.

Mitchy, I just want to let you know, that I will always stand by your side and support you.  I mean support you from all aspects. 
MitchyThinking of you always.





March 28   Mitchy's guitar

Remarks (March 28, 2020):
Nice guitar.  But... where is Mitchy?  would be even better if the photo has Mitchy together with his guitar .





March 29   おしゃれイズム

TV Program:  おしゃれイズム
Date/Time:  March 29, 2020 at 22:00
Broadcaster:  日本テレビ系

Remarks (March 29, 2020):
Good to see Mitchy's happy face .  But Mitchy's interview this time is too short... only 10 minutes!