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September 2020


September 3   半沢直樹2  (生放送 - Sep 6, 2020  /  第8話 - Sep 13, 2020)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
1)  'live' broadcast (堺雅人, 及川光博, 片岡愛之助, 児嶋一哉, 香川照之) - Sep 6, 2020 (21:00)
2)  半沢直樹2 (第8話) - Sep 13, 2020 (21:00)
News link:   






September 6   半沢直樹の恩返し

TV Program:   半沢直樹の恩返し (生放送)
Broadcaster:    TBSテレビ
Date/Time:       September 6, 2020

Remarks (September 6, 2020):
Very happy to see Mitchy in today's 'live' TV show
Enjoyable listening to the main casts sharing the filming experiencing, some parts are indeed amusing!




Remarks (September 6, 2020):
This part (before start of the 'live' broadcast) is indeed amusing
Mitchy demonstrated 'natural ability' to protect his male organs.  堺雅人 helped Mitchy to prevent 片岡愛之助 'hands-on' action.
Mitchy replayed 香川照之 famous word 'death' in 半沢直樹2 (第2話).

Mitchy, I have an idea!  Would you consider participating in a comedy movie/TV series?




September 7   半沢直樹の恩返し  (視聴率 23%)

TV Program:   半沢直樹の恩返し (生放送)
Broadcaster:    TBSテレビ
Date/Time:       September 6, 2020

News:             視聴率 - 関東地区 22.2%, 関西地区 24.2%
News links:      東網        蘋果日報

<半沢直樹> 及川光博“ミッチー”生放送登場でトレンド入り!50代も色褪せぬ魅力、ファンサービスも脚光


半沢 及川光博「半沢君にしか見えない妖精説」が沸騰「だから見返りなく」「じわる」

「半沢直樹」及川光博演じる渡真利忍は〇〇だった!? ネット爆笑「しぬほどわろたw」「すきすぎるw」


Remarks (September 7, 2020):
Wow!  This 'live' TV broadcast was very successful with high popularity. 
From general public comments, most audience found the beginning very amusing (Mitchy with 堺雅人, 片岡愛之助).

I guess, in the future, a new movie (comedy version) of 半沢直樹 would be popular as well .

In the program, Mitchy mentioned his role 渡真利忍 wedding ring, an 'invisible' wife that never appear. Just come up in my mind, I can be your 渡真利忍 wife (www).  As guest performer (客串演出), will be good fun !  haha!










September 8   普通の恋は邪道

TV Program:     ZIP
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:      September 8, 2020  (6am)
TV Series:      普通の恋は邪道  (every Wednesday 22:00 - from October 14, 2020)




September 8   普通の恋は邪道

TV Program:     バゲット
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:      September 8, 2020  (10:25am)
TV Series:      普通の恋は邪道  (every Wednesday 22:00 - from October 14, 2020)

Remarks (September 8, 2020):
Mitchy mentioned song '君は薔薇より美しい ' in today's program, reminded me of your performance with 布施明.
I have just published your performance in YouTube (see below).
Nice song, very well presented.  Mitchy.



Below video is Mitchy's performance with 布施明 (song 君は薔薇より美しい)






September 13   坂上&指原のつぶれない店

TV Program:   坂上&指原のつぶれない店
Broadcaster:    TBSテレビ
Date/Time:       September 20, 2020  (18:30)
News link:      https://www.tbs.co.jp/tv/20200920_74C8.html

Remarks (September 13, 2020):
Mitchy, I like your lovely smile & your cute 'eye wink' .  I look forward to seeing you in this program.

Remarks (September 20, 2020):
An enjoyable Sunday seeing Mitchy's happy face in this TV program.  Nice to know more about you Mitchy from the interview.
It is interesting using 'real life' stories of different business owners, remake into videos to echo some scenes in 半沢直樹 2.






September 14   半沢直樹2  (第8話 視聴率 25.6%  番組最高を更新)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
Highlights:     Episode 8
News links:

WebMaster Remarks (September 14, 2020):
Excellent story!  Good combination of the main casts (especially Mitchy ).  Would be good if this TV series goes on for another few months .






September 16   『週刊女性』9/29-10/6 合併号

Magazine:   『週刊女性』9/29-10/6 合併号
News link:    週刊女性 (JPrime)  

Remarks (September 16, 2020):
I can see Mitchy's photo on the magazine cover .  
From the news title, the article looks to be relating to Mitchy in TV series 半沢直樹2 ?




September 21   半沢直樹2  (第9話)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
Highlights:     Episode 9
News links:  

Remarks (September 21, 2020):
Enjoyable seeing Mitchy in so many scenes in episode 9 .
After watching this episode, I already guessed how the reporters will focus on.  And my guess is right... 
黒崎駿一, is having his famous 'hands-on' action again.  This time, with the special 'cracking' sound effect does make it even more amusing!
The way 大和田暁 try to force 半沢直樹 to kneel on the floor... the deliberate "exaggeration" is very well presented.

Remarks (September 22, 2020):
Aha!  Nice to see some other newspaper with remarks about Mitchy .
I agree with the comments, Mitchy does look cute .







September 23   坂上&指原のつぶれない店

TV Program:     坂上&指原のつぶれない店  (September 20, 2020)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Photo highlights:     坂上&指原のつぶれない店
News links:

Remarks (September 23, 2020):
Indeed enjoyable TV program, can see and listen to Mitchy for 1.5 hours .
Would be good if Mitchy will attend similar TV programs more frequently .





September 25   「半沢直樹2」Celebrations !

Event:      「半沢直樹 2」Celebrations  (全撮影が24日夜に終了)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
TV Series:      半沢直樹2    Final episode - September 27, 2020 (21:00)

Remarks (September 25, 2020):
Mitchy, your 'eye wink' looks cute , good to see you feeling so happy !
Congratulations!  TV series 半沢直樹2  filming process completed successfully!  I look forward to seeing episode 10 this Sunday (27th).
Celebration highlights also include 池井戸潤 (原作者), 堺雅人, 香川照之, 福澤克雄 (映画監督). 
Special thanks to the entire team for producing this remarkable and excellent piece (半沢直樹2) for everyone to enjoy.  
Most important... of course... is... I can see Mitchy every Sunday !


Video with "半沢直樹 2" Celebration highlights





September 26   「半沢直樹2」及川光博と香川照之

News:     Friendship between Mitchy and  香川照之
News link:     https://www.news-postseven.com/archives/20200926_1597981.html/2

WebMaster Remarks (September 26, 2020):
Yes, I do know about Mitchy's long time friendship with 香川照之 ... I heard about it during the time when they filmed movie 七つの会議 .




September 27   普通の恋は邪道

TV Series:      普通の恋は邪道 
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:     from October 14, 2020  (every Wednesday 22:00)
News link:





September 27   Mitchy's portrait

Remarks (September 27, 2020):
Very happy to know that you have completed filming TV series "半沢直樹 2" on September 24, 2020. 
I recognised this background ... the main meeting room in this TV series.
Mitchy (one & only).




September 28   半沢直樹2   (episode 10 最終回 - 視聴率 33.7%)

TV Program:   半沢直樹2 (episode 10 最終回)  (September 27, 2020)
Broadcaster:    TBSテレビ
News:             視聴率 - 関東地区で32.7%、関西地区で34.7%
News links:            

Remarks (September 28, 2020):
Congratulations Mitchy !  Very happy to see that the final episode view count was over 33%.
This means the overall average view count of all 10 episodes is approximately 25%.  The highest popularity of all TV series in 2020!
Time to celebrate !