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November 2022


November 3   『霊媒探偵・城塚翡翠』Interview

Remarks (November 3, 2022):
Interesting to know how Mitchy copes with long scripts .


Remarks (November 5, 2022):
Mitchy having nap nap?  Look sweet .  Wonder if Mitchy knows that someone is taking photo of him?
I sometimes like to nap nap also... just lazy doing nothing
The view outside look quite nice.




November 6   『霊媒探偵・城塚翡翠』portraits

Remarks (November 6, 2022):
Mitchy's stylish pose with nice Fuiji moutain as background.  But is the Fuji mountain background 'real' or photo edit ?
Mitchy looks cute ... jumping into the air!     I look forward to seeing Mitchy in episode 4.




November 7   『霊媒探偵・城塚翡翠』portraits

Remarks (November 7, 2022):
I like Mitchy's pose in the cafe .
If use recording sound effects, then no need to worry about damaging the teeth while chewing the mints (https://youtu.be/4FSKhUItFVo) .




November 12   『霊媒探偵・城塚翡翠』portraits

Remarks (November 12, 2022):
Good idea from Mitchy !  As my forhead & lip injury is not fully recovered yet, photo of the back is more comfortable to me.
Me!  Viewing sunset at Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Niguel (California, USA) Nov 2022.




November 15   Mitchy's interview

Remarks (November 15, 2022):
Mitchy mentioned 'eye contact' in the interview (https://youtu.be/4FSKhUItFVo), that's an interesting 'body gesture' .
Mitchy... let's try eye contact next time 




November 17   Mitchy's greetings

Remarks (November 17, 2022):
Very happy to see darling Mitchy's video clip today (https://youtu.be/4FSKhUItFVo) .
I look forward to seeing Mitchy in the upcoming new TV series "invert 城塚翡翠 倒叙集".




November 18   Mitchy's greetings

Remarks (November 18, 2022):
Nice to see Mitchy's happy face again today (video+photo) Mitchy



及川光博 - 鐘場正和役  (2022)




November 21   Mitchy's portrait

Remarks (November 21, 2022):
Mitchy looks smart is this casual outfit, matches well with my California style .
The new Concert Tour 2022 release has already arrived my Tokyo address, I will arrange it to be posted to my home address.




November 23   Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Remarks (November 23, 2022):
Happy Thanksgiving 2022 !
ドラえもん = 黒猫黎(with magic) Mitchy       Snoopy = me (Cecilia)




November 29   『Invert 城塚翡翠 倒叙集』portraits

Remarks (November 29, 2022):
Mitchy looks to be in sweet dream... while filming episode 1 of TV series "Invert 城塚翡翠 倒叙集".
If I were there, I will put a wool wrap over Mitchy to keep warm .
But I guess Mitchy is pretending to doze, because it's not a comfortable posture with one arm holding the head .