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February 2023


February 1   Concert Tour 『踊って!シャングリラ』  (11 shows  May - July 2023)

Concert Tour 2023 link:     https://www.oikawa-mitsuhiro.com/live/


Remarks (February 1, 2023):
Nice surprise today!  Mitchy announces this year's Concert Tour title as『踊って!シャングリラ』.
"シャングリラ" does match well with my post (New Year 2023 Firework video), Shangri-la hotel is in that tall triangular building "The Shard".
You look very attractive in this poster , wonder if you will release new songs this year?  Perhaps we can compose a new song together...Mitchy





February 2   Mitchy's portrait

Mitchy's Line message: 

Remarks (February 2, 2023):
Very happy to see Mitchy's message about this year's Concert Tour title 『踊って!シャングリラ』.
"シャングリラ" (Shangri-la), the world's view of oriental wonderland.
'yellow' as theme color, that's nice, gives a bright & energetic feel.
Support you Mitchy.





February 5   「女神の教室〜リーガル青春白書」

TV Program:     「女神の教室〜リーガル青春白書」
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ
Date/Time:     from January 2023  (every Monday 21:00 - 22:00)
Links:     https://www.fujitv.co.jp/themis/

Remarks (February 5, 2023):
This outfit was not in episode 4 (Jan 30, 2023), guess it must be in one of the upcoming episodes ?  This gold tie matches nicely with the jacket .



及川光博 - 守宮清正役に (女神の教室) (February 2023)




February 11   「女神の教室」撮影の過程 (第5話)

TV Program:     「女神の教室」撮影の過程 (第5話)
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ

Remarks (February 11, 2023):
I like watching Mitchy's filming process, especially if there are amusing NG scenes .



及川光博 - 守宮清正役に「女神の教室」撮影の過程 (第5話)  (February 2023)




February 14   ミュージシャンが人気俳優に至るまでの確立された道程

News link:     https://realsound.jp/movie/2023/02/post-1257718_2.html




February 19   『ちびまる子ちゃん』声優出演

TV Program:     ちびまる子ちゃん
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ系
Date/Time:     March 26, 2023  (18:00)
News:  more details coming soon...

Remarks (February 19, 2023):
I like watching cartoons.  Though it would be even better to see Mitchy in the movie (instead of just Mitchy's voice)




February 20   めざましテレビ

TV Program:     めざましテレビ
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ系
Date/Time:     February 20, 2023  (06:58)

Remarks (February 20, 2023):
Nice to see Mitchy
...though a bit too short, Mitchy spoke for 50 seconds.





February 21   今夜はナゾトレ及川光博キャプテン参戦!旅で出会える日本の絶景!学べる2HSP

TV Program:     今夜はナゾトレ及川光博キャプテン参戦!旅で出会える日本の絶景!学べる2HSP
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ
Date/Time:     February 28 2023  (19:00 - 21:00)

Remarks (February 21, 2023):
Very happy to know that Mitchy will participate in this 2 hour TV program .  That the next day after the final episode 8 of TV series 女神の教室.




February 24   Concert Tour 『踊って!シャングリラ』  (12 shows  May - July 2023)

Concert Tour 2023 link:     https://www.oikawa-mitsuhiro.com/live/

Remarks (February 24, 2023):
Congratulations Mitchy
Very happy to know that you will be adding one more show for your Concert Tour 2023『踊って!シャングリラ』(total 12 shows) .




February 28   今夜はナゾトレ及川光博キャプテン参戦!旅で出会える日本の絶景!

TV Program:     今夜はナゾトレ及川光博キャプテン参戦!旅で出会える日本の絶景!
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ
Date/Time:     February 28, 2023  (19:00 - 21:00)

Remarks (February 28, 2023):
Enjoyable 2 hours program seeing Mitchy participating in the competition .
Both good food and nice scenic places are my favorite hobbies .