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March 2023


March 1   相棒 season 21 (最終回スペシャル)

TV Program:     相棒 season 21 (最終回スペシャル)
Broadcaster:     テレビ朝日系
Date/Time:     前編  March 8, 2023  (21:00)
                      後編  March 15, 2023 (21:00)

Remarks (March 1, 2023):
Very happy to know that Mitchy will participate in this popular TV series again .  Also a nice surprise to see British flag in the photo .
Good combination!  水谷豐 together with both 及川光博 (2代目- 神戸尊) and 寺脇康文 (初代- 亀山薫).
I remember the previous time Mitchy participated in 相棒 was January 2019 (相棒 Season17 第10話 -特命係)



news link:  https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2269661/full/




March 5   『ちびまる子ちゃん』声優出演

TV Program:     ちびまる子ちゃん
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ系
Date/Time:     March 26, 2023  (18:00)
News link:  https://www.chibimaru.tv/news/entry/2023/007382.html

Remarks (March 5, 2023):
From news description and photos, the story will reflect Mitchy's real life during young age , will be interesting to watch.  Also I like cartoons .
Though I still prefer to see you Mitchy (not just your voice).







March 10   相棒 season 21 (最終回スペシャル)

TV Program:     相棒 season 21 (最終回スペシャル)
Broadcaster:     テレビ朝日系
Date/Time:     前編  March 8, 2023  (21:00)
                      後編  March 15, 2023 (21:00)

Remarks (March 10, 2023):
Handsome Mitchy







March 20   「女神の教室」(最終回)

TV Program:     「女神の教室」(最終回)
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ









March 26   『ちびまる子ちゃん』声優出演

TV Program:     ちびまる子ちゃん
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ系
Date/Time:     March 26, 2023  (18:00)
News link:  https://www.chibimaru.tv/news/entry/2023/007382.html

Remarks (March 26, 2023):
I enjoy watching this cartoon very much (though even better if can see Mitchy, instead of just his voice) .
The story does reflect some of Mitchy's real life story & character , eg the shirt is Mitchy's favorite color purple, his favorite bye bye slang 'チャオ', he likes 温泉 bath, guys don't like him due to jealousy, his iconic 'eye wink', he makes friends with similar interests in music etc...