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September 2023


September 15   Groove Circus (Concert Tour 2022)

TV Program:     CSちゃん【及川光博 2022ライブ『GROOVE CIRCUS』ダイジェスト】
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ
Date/Time:     September 19, 2023 (25:55~26:25)

Remarks (September 21, 2023):
Does worth watching... as the highlights include scenes that are not in the official DVD release.
QID... a good song...

This program (30 minutes) is available for 1 week (from Sept 19, 2023) in below link:





September 16   フェルマーの料理

TV series:     フェルマーの料理
及川光博:  西門景勝 役  (名門ヴェルス学園の理事長 - 実業家)
Broadcaster:     TBS テレビ
Date/Time:     start from October 20, 2023 (毎週金曜 22:00)

Remarks (September 16, 2023):
I like good food... I look forward to watching Mitchy's TV series .






フェルマーの料理人 (30秒予告解禁)

Remarks (September 25, 2023):
This is the forth time Mitchy appears in TV with 高橋文哉 in recent few years.
Previous 3 times... 2 TV series - 女神の教室 (2023) 最愛 (2021), also TV program 王様のブランチ (Oct 2021).
The most amusing one was the 'vacuum cleaner' advertisement in 王様のブランチ (Oct 2021) .





September 29   Countdown Concert

Concert:     ゆくミッチーくるミッチー
Venue:     Line Cube Shibuya (渋谷公会堂)
Date/Time:     December 31, 2023 (18:00)

Remarks (September 29, 2023):
The venue is good, have seats (easier to get back during intermission).
The feel would be better if the concert starts at 23:00 (just like year 2017,  2018), then can countdown during the concert (more meaningful). 