TV Series - ミステリー民俗学者 八雲樹 (2004)



『ミステリー民俗学者 八雲樹』   原作:金成陽三郎     漫画:山口譲司

第1 - 2話「天狗伝説殺人事件」
第3 - 4話「記憶喪失のかぐや姫」
第5 - 6話「生けにえの島の少女」
第8 - 9話「やまんばに呪われた村」


Main Casts

八雲樹 - 及川光博
富良野 - 平山あや

羽根井豊 - 益岡徹
瀧村万智子 - 滝沢沙織




第1 - 2話「天狗伝説殺人事件」

WebMaster Remarks (May 5, 2020):
I like Mitchy's character in this TV series... soft and gentle ...  yet very clever (able to solve mysterious cases).
For episode 1, very amusing start with Mitchy not being able to balance after putting on traditional Japanese shoes .  Mitchy looks cute!

At first, when Mitchy (八雲樹) and 富良野 arrived the village and encountered strange things... I thought it's a ghost story!! 
Turn out the story is completely different.
The story plot is very good.  Cannot guess the cause of all the mysterious cases, until the poison from the shirt sleeves resolved the entire 'puzzle'. 





第3 - 4話「記憶喪失のかぐや姫」

Remarks (May 22, 2020):
The story plot is a typical thriller.
It's amusing when Mitchy got soaking wet by a bucket of water poured over him ... for being nosy (peeping through the hole, trying to find out what the other person was looking at).
I like Mitchy's role, as the main cast, he showed his intelligence in resolving the mysterious case .

Some of the scenes reminds me of the famous American sequel 'Scream' (eg the person with a mask, others seeing the 'masked' person about to ... yet unable to help)




第5 - 6話「生けにえの島の少女」   (highlights of this episode will be coming soon... stay tuned... )