WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Beat & Roses' 2018)

March 2018


March 31   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2018   ( 千葉 市川市文化会館 )

Mitchy’s concert was good and I enjoyed it very much. Nice start of the Concert Tour 2018 .
Have got couple souvenirs (calendar and photobook) before start of the show. Also a free pack of Kellogg’s towards end of the concert.
I was very happy with Mitchy’s choice of songs for the concert, not only the ones I like in his new album ‘Beat & Roses’, but also my favourite one ‘Song for you’.
The person who sat next to me was very friendly. She has been Mitchy’s fan for 15 years. Not only shared some of her experience, but also gave me a copy of the form to write message to Mitchy (explaining the words of each line on the form). Although I haven’t submitted the form towards end of the show (due to overcrowding), I will do so in next show that I will be attending in late April.
Not just that... when Mitchy sang his ‘classic’ top hit
桃色クラブで~死んでもい, she gave me one of her ‘Pom pom’ so that I can join in dance .
Actually, she is not the only fan I come across who is friendly. eg in last year’s concert tour 2017, I came across another friendly helpful one while queuing during intermission. I was not sure the time has to get back, the fan behind me in the queue not only told me, but also took off her watch and adjust it to show me the time the show will start again (ie making sure I understood correctly) . Nice people.
Before I fly back home on Monday, I would like to say... ‘thank you very much for everything’. I had a great time and do look forward to attending the next one in Tokyo in April.





April 1   国立西洋美術館  The National Museum of Western Art

日本スペイン外交関係樹立150周年記念「プラド美術館展 ベラスケスと絵画の栄光」
及川光博 (Mitsuhiro Oikawa) as Official Presenter of Velázquez Prado




Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(view from my suite)


Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(inside my suite)




千鳥ヶ淵, 東京都 (Chidorigafuchi Moat, Tokyo Japan)



上野公園, 東京都 (Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan)






銀座うかい亭 Ukai-Tei Ginza (Grand course - abalone)





銀座うち山 Ginza Uchiyama (季節の特別料理)