WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Beat & Roses' 2018)

April 2018


April 28   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2018   ( 東京 オリンパスホール八王子 )

First of all, as many seem to be surprised that I fly to Japan from London just to attend Mitchy’s concert, enclosed photo of my ticket for today’s show
And yes, I have reserved 6 shows and I will be flying to Japan each time just to attend them. Next one will be May 13th ... in couple weeks time.
Mitchy’s concert today in 八王子 was great. The show was 3 hours with additional songs from his new album ( インフィニティ∞ラブ, Birthday ~バラのブレス, 瞬きのあいだに ). All are my favourites... esp the lyrics
And ... also my favourite ‘Smile for me Song for you’ .
As I was sitting at centre close to the stage, can see Mitchy very clearly. Can feel Mitchy’s energy directly!
This time I remember to get the pom-pom. Ah... because of that, I knew 2 Mitchy’s fans prior the show. What happen was... the pom-pom are not ready made... need some skills to get them into ’shape’. While I was struggling to get them into proper shape, 2 fans sitting next to me (prior getting into concert hall) started chatting with me, one of them offer help to get the Pom-Pom into good shape. Nice friendly people.
Btw... I am not forgetful... I do remember I said previous time that I will fill in the form after the concert. But as I am typing here... same, isn’t it?
All in all... I had a great time and do look forward to attending Mitchy’s next show on May 13th.
Mitchy does give happiness.





Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(view of Hibiya Park from my suite)





懐石 辻留 (赤坂店) (Tsujitome, Tokyo) (2 Michelin Stars)
12 courses Kaiseki (dinner menu)