WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Beat & Roses' 2018)

May 2018


May 13   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2018   ( 神奈川 川崎市スポーツ・文化総合センター )

Mitchy’s concert today (May 13th) at 神奈川 (川崎市スポーツ) completed successfully with joy, laughter and lots of cheers from all his babies/fans.
The show rundown was similar to previous one in 八王子 (Apr 28th).
In 川崎市 show, Mitchy sang few lines with no background music... as I wish. Do like that part very much, can hear his voice clearly.
Main difference from 八王子 was the ‘jokes’ part & 愛と哲学の小部屋, did put big smile on my face.
Some highlights comparison... previous one in 八王子, one of the band members (drummer) imitated Chewbacca (Star Wars) with face mask (echo of Mitchy‘s attendance in recent Star Wars event). This time in 神奈川, Mitchy pretended as if ‘exhausted’ from the fast dances, he looks so cute when sat down stretching his legs (I got the hint...reflection?). Also towards end of the show, Mitchy sat down (pretending to be tired) and let Rei (singer) said thanks to dancers and the band. Mitchy looks very sweet when pretending ‘lazy’ sitting down.
I enjoyed Mitchy’s show very much, his music does bring happiness.
To me, Mitchy is like an energiser, giving me strength and energy.
Mitchy always... one & only





my suite in Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan





東京銀座の料亭-花蝶 (Kacho, Ginza, Tokyo)
Private Room - 坪庭付き個室-あやめ (政財界の奥座敷)
Dinner - "月 - TSUKI" コース





赤寶亭 (Sekiho-tei, Tokyo) (2 Michelin stars) (May 2018)
10 courses Kaiseki





Private room dinner at 濱田家 (Hamadaya, Tokyo) (2 Michelin Stars) (May 2018)