WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Purple Diamond' 2019)

May 2019


May 11   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2019   (茨城 結城市民文化センタ)

Today’s show at 結城市 (茨城) was enjoyable. This is my 3rd time attending Mitchy’s show for his ‘Purple Diamond‘ Concert Tour 2019. Everyone danced energetically with Mitchy, very lively atmosphere. Mitchy sweated a lot... I saw sweat dripping down his hair ... I was sweating as well! I got some more souvenir from the concert.
I like giving Mitchy nice surprises . Today, my surprise for Mitchy was... I waited for him after the concert (same as usual), but this time I was standing together with the other fans. Unbelievable, isn’t it? I was lucky to get a front position. When his car drove pass, he said ‘bye bye’ and I responded him (close distance 5 ft) . This time, I am sure he saw me .




Remarks (May 11, 2019):
Trucks with equipments for Mitchy's concert. 
2 cars (black ones).  One drove Mitchy to the concert venue (far one).  The other one (in center) is the hotel car that drove me to Mitchy's concert venue.


Remarks (May 11, 2019):
Trucks with equipments for Mitchy's concert. 
Hotel car (black one - arranged by Palace Hotel Tokyo) that drove me to Mitchy's concert venue.





Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(my suite with view towards Imperial Palace and Hibiya Park)




清澄庭園 (東京) (Kiyosumi-shirakawa Garden, Tokyo, Japan)




水簾 Suiren  (Capitol Hotel Tokyu, Tokyo, Japan)





竹葉亭 銀座 (Chikuyotei, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan)