WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Don't Think, POP!' 2024)

May 3, 2024


May 3   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2024   (千葉 市川市文化会館)


5 days in (Tokyo) Japan to attend Mitchy's opening show at 千葉 市川市文化会館 (Concert Tour 2024).
My vacation in Japan photos links:  Sightseeing/Restaurants



I will be flying to Japan next week to attend 及川光博 Concert Tour 2024 opening , will stay in Tokyo for 5 days .
I just added all the new songs lyrics into my Mitchy's website.
I am very impressed that Mitchy wrote all the song lyrics for this new album! I like the fast pace of song 'Amazing Love' with meaningful lyrics. For the mtv, I prefer 'real' Mitchy (not cartoon).
'階段 気をつけて! みず色ワンピースで'... surprised that you remember that incident.



Remarks (May 1, 2024):
I arrived Japan on May 1, 2024.  Same as usual, I stayed at Palace Hotel Tokyo for my 5 days visit in Japan.
Ticket for Mitchy's opening show at 千葉 市川市文化会館.



Nice sunny day today ! View from my suite in Palace Hotel Tokyo. Today (May 3, 2024) is 及川光博 first day of Concert Tour 2024 .
I have a surprise for darling Mitchy ! 28 pink roses & 2 紫陽花. 28=prosperity, Pink=romantic, 紫陽花 matches Mitchy's new song .
The flowers were prepared by Palace Hotel Tokyo's florist.
I took these photos yesterday (May 2nd), after the florist finished the preparation. It will be delivered to the concert venue today before 12pm.
I will be setting off at 12:45pm from hotel. See you (Mitchy) at the concert venue!




Remarks (May 3, 2024):
Same as previous years, Palace Hotel Tokyo car (first photo) drove me to/from Mitchy's concert venue.




及川光博 Concert Tour 2024 started today (May 3, 2024) at 千葉(市川市文化会館). Mitchy looks smart, slim & energetic during the entire performance.
New song 'Amazing Love' was very well presented. When Mitchy sang 'この宇宙にあなたは一人しかいない', brings back lots of sweet memories when I first knew him , I have been reposting this song here every year. I still love this song very much. The fast pace of new song 'Dream Maker' gives very good energetic atmosphere.
Nice surprise that Mitchy spoke in English a few times in this concert ('everyone clap hands', 'last one this evening'), does give very close feel. As I am the only one who cannot speak fluent Japanese. I share the same thought as you ('Don't think, feel').
I like the melody of the song (after 小部屋 chat session), but I don't know the song name. Mitchy did not put on glasses, the way I like.