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Vacation - December 2022 - January 2023

Japan - Tokyo


5 days stay at Tokyo to attend Mitchy's Countdown Concert and celebrate New Year 2023
Webpage link:   及川光博 Countdown Concert



Palace Hotel Tokyo (Japan)


Shibuya (渋谷区) in Tokyo (Japan)
Nice festive feel (New Year Eve 2022) in this area.


鮨 かねさか Sushi Kanesaka (Michelin Star restaurant) in Palace Hotel Tokyo (Japan)

Enjoyable 5-courses "おまかせ Omakase" meal to celebrate New Year 2023!


Roppongi Hills Arena (Tokyo, Japan)
Traditional drum performance to celebrate New Year, enjoyable festive feel.


Tokyo Tower (Japan)


Zōjō-ji  増上寺 (Tokyo, Japan)


Autumn Maple Leaves Valley (Tokyo, Japan)
Nice surprise to see that there is still some autumn color during winter (January 2023)


黒長堂 (六本木ヒルズ) at Roppongi Hills Arena (Tokyo, Japan)
Indeed very fresh eel, 'live' eel directly from the tank.  Delicious.