Concert Tour - Purple Diamond (March - July 2019)





WebMaster Remarks (June 16, 2020):
2019 has been a remarkable year. 
October 2018 was the first time I attended Mitchy's 49th birthday celebration .  I wore a purple diamond necklace on his birthday as I know he likes purple .
January 2019, Mitchy named his Concert Tour 2019 as 'Purple Diamond'

February 2019, I started creating this website using this iconic piece 'Purple Diamond' as main theme  for his 50th birthday celebration in October 2019.

For Mitchy's Purple Diamond 2019 Concert Tour, I attended 9 shows.  Each time I fly from London (UK) to Japan just to attend Mitchy's concerts.
Mitchy songs and jokes bring me lots of happiness in his concert shows .
Everytime I look at the photos (below links) recalls the sweet moments .

March 30, 2019     埼玉 三郷市文化会館 大ホール
April 27, 2019     東京 オリンパスホール八王子
May 11, 2019     茨城 結城市民文化センタ
June 1 & 2, 2019     東京 昭和女子大学 人見記念講堂
June 22 & 23, 2019     大阪 オリックス劇場
July 14, 2019     静岡 静岡市民文化会館 中ホール
July 21, 2019     東京 NHKホール