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October 2020


October 1   "ゆくミッチーくるミッチー" Year-end 2020 Concert  (December 30th, 31st)

Event:     "ゆくミッチーくるミッチー" Year-end Concert 2020
Venue:     Line Cube Shibuya (渋谷公会堂)
Date/Time:     December 30, 2020 (16:45)
                      December 31, 2020 (15:15)

Remarks (October 6, 2020):
my darling Mitchy...
This year, I will have to watch your year-end concert via 'live' broadcast (if available outside Japan).
As it is year-end 2020 concert, I would like your clothes to give a feel of happiness and being energetic (eg light color).
I would like the concert to fill with joy and excitement, to welcome New Year 2021!!
I like Mitchy in glamorous style, to keep your 'prince' image.  Ideally without glasses during the concert.
Due to the current covid-19 travel restrictions into Japan, I cannot enter Japan from London (UK) for your December concerts (see link).

As soon as the travel restrictions are lifted (hopefully next year 2021), I will fly to Japan to attend your performances.
And I promise I will stay longer in Japan for your concert tour or other 'live' performances.
Love you Mitchy (one & only) .





October 8   普通の恋は邪道

TV Program:     普通の恋は邪道
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        from October 14, 2020  (every Wednesday 22:00)

Remarks (October 8, 2020):
Aha!  I like Mitchy sitting in the center (amongst the five guys).  Reminds me of "半沢直樹の恩返し (生放送)", Mitchy sat in the center as well .
The little boy (with big eyes) who acts as Mitchy's son (朝鳴保) looks cute.
Hopefully, there will not be too many scenes with 'face mask', otherwise, will have to use a lot of imagination on the performers' facial expressions !




October 9   『普通の恋は邪道』見どころ紹介

TV Program:     『普通の恋は邪道』見どころ紹介
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 10, 2020  (02:30 - 03:25)
                        October 14, 2020  (00:59 - 1:29)


Remarks (October 11, 2020):
Very happy to see Mitchy in this instroductory program for the new TV series 普通の恋は邪道.
Mitchy, your way of saying bye bye... quoted as "生 Chao" towards the end is indeed amusing !
I look forward to seeing you in this new TV series "リモラブ" (remote love)

Hopefully, the story does not require you to wear face mask in your scenes. 
The 'plastic' one, can see your facial expression better, but 'plastic' has reflection, so, still not ideal in front of the camera.


Remarks (October 13, 2020):
aha!  A different dialogue this time.  Nice to see you again Mitchy, just before having my dinner .


... additional... other main casts




October 13   笑ってコラえて!  北海道ダーツ旅は極上マグロ

TV Program:     笑ってコラえて! 北海道ダーツ旅は極上マグロ
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 21, 2020  (19:56 - 20:54)

Remarks (October 13, 2020):
I know 北海道 is famous for fresh seafood!   Delicious food... my favourite hobby !
I look forward to seeing Mitchy in this program .




October 14   "News Every"  #リモラブ ~普通の恋は邪道~

TV Program:     News Every
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 14, 2020 (15:55)

Remarks (October 14, 2020):
To view more photo highlights... see link:  リモラブ




October 14   ヒルナンデス!

TV Program:     ヒルナンデス!
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 14, 2020  (11:55am)

Remarks (October 14, 2020):
Mitchy, do you know?  I got up at 3:45am (London time) to watch your TV program .
I like the part when you play 'mini-golf'.  Here, 'mini-golf' is also called 'crazy golf'.  I like playing 'mini-golf' as well, good fun !

There is a park near my residential building 'Landmark Tower' in Canary Wharf.   Yes!  'mini-golf' is available there recently (since August 2020).
When will you be visiting London again?  We can play 'mini-golf' together .

Remarks (October 18, 2020):
Below 2 photos...
photo 1 - 'mini-golf' in the park near my home 'Landmark Tower' in Canary Wharf
photo 2 - view from my Penthouse in 'Landmark Tower' towards the park


Photo highlights of TV program  ヒルナンデス!





October 16   Mitchy's 51st Birthday Celebration 

Event:     Mitchy's 51st Birthday Celebration
Date:     October 24, 2020

Remarks (October 16, 2020):
my darling Mitchy ... your 51st birthday will be next Saturday.  I will certainly countdown with you on October 23rd mid-night .
All the gifts that I have bought for you this year 2020, I will bring them to you next year 2021 when I can fly to Japan again (after covid-19 international travel restrictions are removed).
I like your cream color suit very much, match nicely on you.  You look cute in this video... especially your 'eye wink' & 'V' fingers victory sign.
If the wall is slightly darker color (eg brown), will make your creme color suit stand-out even more.







October 21   笑ってコラえて!

TV Program:     笑ってコラえて!
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 21, 2020  (19:56 - 20:54)

Remarks (October 21, 2020):
Mitchy, you look smart & gorgeous in this outfit .  I like the material of your jacket, match well with the stylish black shirt.
Very enjoyable seeing you in this TV program.






October 24   Happy 51st Birthday!

Remarks (October 24, 2020):
my darling Mitchy ...  Happy 51st Birthday!  Wish you good health, happiness & prosperity .
with lots of love & kisses


生放送 version  (Birthday message to Mitchy from webmaster Cecilia)

Recorded version  (Birthday message to Mitchy from webmaster Cecilia)





October 24   ズームイン!!サタデー (Zoom In! Saturday)

TV Program:     ズームイン!!サタデー
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:        October 24, 2020  (05:30 - 08:00)

Remarks (October 24, 2020):
Timing is just right... as it was about 22:30pm (London time) when I watched this program.
Nice & sweet to see you (Mitchy) talking about your sleeping habit... just before I go to bed .  Hugging towel? pillow?  ok, I will be your pillow then .
Reminds me of your song 抱き枕.
Your part in the program is too short this time... only 10 minutes... should be at least 1 hour.



October 27   週刊女性 Prime  11月10日号

Magazine:   『週刊女性 Prime』November 2020 version
Publish date:     October 27, 2020
News link:     週刊女性 Prime

Remarks (October 27, 2020):
Mitchy, you look handsome in these photos .
I like this venue (glass building) as photos background, as it is very similar to both my residential & office building in Canary Wharf.
Wonder what you were thinking when you look towards the window? 
When I look towards the window in my Penthouse, I think of you... wish to see you again soon...
Very happy to see that your photo is in the center of the magazine front-page .